Budget 2024 166 Downloads | 1.45 MB |
JULY 3, 2024
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire
District was called to order by Chairman James Schaefer at 7:30 p.m. Present were
Commissioners James Schaefer, Allyn Jackson, Stephen Gregory, Ed Seltenreich and Robert
Despres, Medical Coordinator Brian Danowski, Chief Paul Sulzinski, Third Assistant Chief Mark
Gregory and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.
See attached report.
Maintenance Report dated 7/1/24 – 7/31/24 was submitted to the Board.
A motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich,
authorizing the purchase of the medical supplies requested, at a total cost of $2,084.09 (Hammer
Medical - $432.05, Bound Tree Medical - $23.04, Teleflex - $1,629.00). Approved 5-0.
1. Noted.
2. To be discussed further when reviewing the 2025 budget.
3. Noted.
4. Noted.
5. Noted.
See attached report.2REQUESTS
1. and 2. A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich,
authorizing the purchase of one (1) 2.5 Double Female Fitting, one (1) 2.5 Double Male Fitting,
and one (1) Adjustable Hydrant Wrench, cost not known at this time, and one (1) Little Giant
Velocity Model 13 Utility Ladder for 7-6-1, at an approximate cost of $238.00. Approved 5-0.
3. Completed.
4. Mr. Schaffauer will handle.
5. A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich,
authorizing the purchase of six (6) Fire Police Golf Shirts, at a cost not to exceed $400.00.
Approved 5-0.
The Secretary will forward letters to the Board of Elections and the Sheriffs’ Department regarding
the fact that the Main Firehouse is off limits to their personnel during elections that are being held
at the school.
Commissioner Schaefer asked the Chief for an update on the members who have not yet taken
their physicals. Chief Sulzinski stated that letters have been sent to two members and has not
received a response from either. He will follow up.
Mr. Glass not in attendance. Commissioner Jackson has not yet received any comments on the
changes that were made to the Department’s By-Laws.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Despres, approving
the Minutes of the June 6, 2024 Regular Monthly Meeting. Approved 5-0.
No report submitted.
A letter was received from the Town of Southampton Comptroller’s Office regarding the PILOT
Program and the amount of $121,768.00 (Commissioner Jackson will contact Peter Miller, Senior
Accountant for an explanation.), a copy of a letter from William Glass, Esq. to Jones, Little & Co.
regarding the fact that the District has no pending or threatened litigation and no unasserted claims 3or assessments,
a thank you letter from the Lillian (Alabama) Fire Rescue thanking the District for
the donation of surplus items we sent to them and a letter from Lund Valve Testing regarding the
testing of the backflow devices scheduled for July 25, 2024.
Commissioner Gregory advised the Board that the radio testing on Central Boulevard was not done
because there was no lift available. Commissioner Seltenreich stated that Greg Cele (Celi Electric)
had sent a text to Dennis Fenner offering his equipment.
Commissioner Gregory also advised the Board that Jerry did not charge a fee for the repair work
that he did to the staircase wall leading to the second floor.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, granting
permission for Commissioner Despres to use the pickup truck (7-6-14) to transport the engine for
the antique fire truck from one location to another. Approved 5-0.
A brief discussion ensued regarding future plans for the building. Commissioner Jackson advised
the Board that a new building is estimated to cost approximately $30,000,000.00, not including the
expense of relocating during construction. An addition would cost approximately $10,000,000.00.
The Board agreed that it is important for the Department members to be agreeable, no matter
which way the Board decides to go.
Third Assistant Chief Gregory suggested that the District contact the upper echelon of The Hills to
see what we could work out with them as far as vacant land is concerned and what they might be
able to offer the District.
Commissioner Schaefer asked Commissioner Seltenreich if a CFR Class has been scheduled.
There has been no progress. Mr. Danowski offered to contact Suffolk County EMS.
Commissioner Schaefer would like to have a class scheduled before the Chiefs’ elections.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich,
approving the updated 3/1/23 East Quogue Fire Department Standard Operating Procedures,
Standard Operating Guidelines and Personnel Qualification Rosters. Approved 5-0.
Commissioners Schaefer and Jackson are planning to attend the AFDSNY Conference in October.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, granting
permission for the New York Blood Bank to use the parking lot to position their trailer for the
blood drive scheduled for Saturday, July 27, 2024. Approved 5-0.
A workshop was scheduled for Thursday, July 25, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.4At 8:55 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer,
seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, to adjourn the meeting. Approved 5-0.
Submitted by
Lorraine Gregory, Secretary
East Quogue Fire District’s House Attendant Report
To the Board of Fire Commissioners,
This is the attendant’s report for July 3, 2024, meeting including but not limited to:
Topics for discussion:
Chiefs report to District July 2024REQUESTS:
1. 1- 2.5 Double Female fitting
1- 2.5 Double Male fitting
1- Adjustable hydrant wrench
Reasoning: These are all to go to7-6-7 so we can supply that apparatus with a supply line if
needed in tight operational areas. The hydrant wrench is replacing an old worn out wrench on
2. 1- Little Giant Velocity Model 13 utility ladder 1 for 7-6-1
Reasoning: These ladder will be used for utility emergencies when it is not applicable to
use our ground ladders Eg. Inside homes to access smoke detectors and light fixtures.
3. Remove old mirrors from 11 (bus mirrors) Delete Already completed
4. Relocate power strips on 11 current location interferes with the fan and knocks the
power strip out causing batteries to not charge.
5. 6- EQFD Fire Police Golf shirts for Fire police to wear at more formal events such as
meetings and trainings. Sizes TBD.
1. Board of Elections and Sheriffs Department use of Fireman’s room during
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Sulzinski
East Quogue Fire Department.
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