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East Quogue Fire District - Public Notice

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June's Meeting 2020



JUNE 4, 2020


The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District was called to order by Chairman Allyn Jackson at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners Allyn Jackson, James Schaefer, Stephen Gregory, Michael Mattera (7:50 p.m.) and Robert Holley, First Assistant Chief Ted Jankowski, Treasurer Colleen Pearsall and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.

Note: This meeting is the first to be held in the Commissioners’ Office since the start of the Corona Virus and the Board wanted to keep attendance to a minimum.




Mr. Schaffauer not required to attend the meeting.

See attached report.

Mr. Schaffauer sent letters to the Town of Southampton Police Department and Suffolk County Fire Rescue and Emergency Services regarding Hampton Bays handling our dispatching (copies attached).

Mr. Schaffauer listed the dock “for sale” on Govdeals.com. An offer has been made for more than the asking price. The District must wait a few more days before being able to accept the offer.


No items to be discussed.


Mr. Patel not required to attend the meeting.

See attached report.





A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, authorizing the purchase of the medical supplies requested, at a total cost of $762.25 (Hammer Medical - $611.25, BoundTree - $151.00). Approved 5-0.

Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that Mr. Patel had heard that T-Mobile is offering a free phone and $50.00 a month service for First Responders. Commissioner Holley stated that T-Mobile and Sprint are offering free phone service for ten (10) years to all first responding agencies. Commissioner Jackson will look into this further, especially since the AT&T service, which the District now has, is unsatisfactory.


Work Order Report dated 5/1/20 to 6/4/20 was submitted to the Board.


See attached report.


1. A motion was made by Commissioner Holley, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, authorizing the purchase, for use on 7-6-1, of one (1) M18 Fuel Super Sawzall Kit ($449.00), one (1) M18 Fuel One-Key 9” Cutoff Saw ($894.99) and one (1) M18 Fuel 4-1/2” Grinder ($479.00) from Westhampton True Value, at a total cost of $1,822.99. Approved 5-0.

2. Commissioner Holley suggested continuing cleaning the gear at the Hampton Bays firehouse and asked that the Chief look into companies that perform this service. Mrs. Gregory stated that, on-site gear washing had been looked into in the past and was found not to be feasible due to the cost factor, permits and water waste removal.

3. Commissioner Holley stated that, at present, the County has no set guidelines regarding opening of the firehouses for socializing and that he will notify the Chairman as soon as guidelines are set. The Board decided to allow the opening of the firehouse as follows:

a.) Officers, Board of Directors and Ladies Auxiliary meetings may be held with attendees practicing social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing.

b.) Department meeting may be held on the Apparatus Floor.

c.) No more than 10 members allowed in the Firemen’s Room at one time.


1. Dispatching by Hampton Bays is going very well.

2. First Assistant Chief Jankowski presented a verbal proposal from Nautique Flag for a 15’ x 25’ flag with accessories for 7-6-11, at an approximate cost of $2,500.00.

3. The Chief advised the Board that Lee Zeldin’s office will be delivering lunch to the firehouse on Friday at 11:00 a.m. as a thank you to the first responders.


Mr. Glass not in attendance.


A motion was made by Commissioner Holley, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, accepting the Minutes of the May 7, 2020 Regular Monthly Meeting. Approved 5-0.


Mrs. Pearsall advised the Board of the following:

1. Mrs. Pearsall advised the Board that she had participated in many of the State Comptroller’s webinars and that they are available to Board members as well.

2. Received a refund check from Hometown Insurance, in the amount of $431.38, regarding discontinuance of the Juniors insurance coverage.

3. Mrs. Pearsall advised the Board that she will not be able to attend the July 2020 meeting.

4. Jones & Little representation and communication letters need to be signed and the Board needs to approve the Financial Statement.

A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Holley, approving the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Approved 5-0.


A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, approving the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 30 checks totaling $79,695.02 and to authorize the transfer of $60,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account. Approved 5-0.


Miscellaneous communications were presented to the Board including an e-mail request from the Hampton Point Association to use the Meeting Room in August (Note: A response will be sent to The Hampton Point Association advising them that they will not be allowed to use the Meeting Room due to the Corona Virus guidelines.), a letter from Fire Districts of NY Mutual Insurance Co. regarding the Annual Policy Holders’ Meeting on Saturday, July 18, 2020 and a letter from Appraisal Affiliates enclosing the Maintenance Service Report for 2019.


Commissioner Holley asked the Board to advise him as to what the District is looking to do regarding the electronic sign board and the monument so that he can handle this project efficiently.

Commissioner Gregory advised the Board of the following:

1. Now that Hampton Bays is handling the dispatching, the Radio Room is closed and out-of-service. The Hampton Bays dispatching is going very well and the dispatchers are very professional in their dispatch operations.

2. Dennis Kenter advised that it will cost about $2,500.00 to change the Radio Room into an office for Mr. Schaffauer.

3. The District pays ELI $4,800.00 a year for monthly maintenance, but ELI does not perform any routine monthly maintenance. Dennis Kenter quoted a price of $3,600.00 per year which includes a monthly maintenance review of equipment, radios and antennas.

4. With regard to Sandpebble’s Preliminary Planning Cost Information Survey, the Sandpebble representatives would like to meet with the Board as soon as possible to discuss the survey.

5. Discussed with Sandpebble the possibility of a wooden pole for the siren. Transportation from South Carolina to East Quogue would cost approximately $7,000.00 (transport costs and permits) and approximately $3,000.00-$4,000.00 for installation.

6. ELI has the siren and would like to get paid the $15,210.00. Installation is not included in the cost.

Commissioner Gregory recommends taking down the old siren and installing the new one on the existing wooden pole. Sandpebble advised him that the new antenna pole is leaning. Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that no one will certify that the new antenna pole will support the siren. Commissioner Jackson thought that an extension could be put on the old wooden pole. Commissioner Gregory stated that this would probably involve more costly studies.

A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, authorizing the payment of $15,210.00 to ELI for the siren. Approved 5-0. (Note: Commissioner Gregory will discuss the cost of installation with ELI.)

Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that the Inspection Dinner is tentatively scheduled for November 7, 2020 and that a decision needs to be made regarding the Seafood Party in August. First Assistant Chief Jankowski stated that, if the guidelines are not set by July 1, the Seafood Party will be cancelled and suggested having an Octoberfest instead.

A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, accepting the $2,800.00 Trade-In offer from Proliner for the 2011 Ford Expedition. Approved 5-0.

A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, authorizing Fenton Sign to do the lettering on the new 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe (7-6-80), at a cost of $2,800.00. Approved 5-0.

The Board agreed to leave the word “Department” on the vehicles, instead of using “District”.

A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, authorizing the installation, by Proliner, of a running board on the passenger side of the van, at a cost of $868.00. Approved 5-0.

Commissioner Jackson would like to thank all of the Chiefs, Officers and members for their dedicated service during the pandemic.


The Board decided that there was no need for a workshop this month.

At 8:38 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting. Approved 5-0.

Submitted by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lorraine Gregory, Secretary

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July's meeting minutes 2020
Mays Meeting Minutes 2020
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