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East Quogue Fire District - Public Notice

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October's Monthly Meeting Minutes 2023



OCTOBER 5, 2023



The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District was called to order by Chairman James Schaefer at 7:30 p.m.  Present were Commissioners James Schaefer, Allyn Jackson, Stephen Gregory and Robert Despres, Fire District Facilities Supervisor Dave Schaffauer, Third Assistant Chief Mark Gregory, Treasurer Colleen Pearsall and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.





See attached report.



Commissioner Schaefer stated that the procedure for repair requests is that they should be given to Mr. Schaffauer for his handling.


Mr. Danowski not in attendance.  Mr. Schaffauer presented the material requests.


A motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, approving the purchase of the medical supplies requested, at a total cost of $840.38 (Hammer Medical - $494.09, Bound Tree Medical - $86.29, Amazon - $260.00).  Approved 4-0.




Maintenance Report dated 9/1/2023 to 9/30/2023 submitted to the Board.

Commissioner Jackson suggested that 7-6-3 be tuned-up and reported that the tire tubes are bad.


See attached report.


1.  A motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, authorizing the purchase of one (1) Small Flammable Liquids Storage Locker for Station 2, at a cost not to exceed $400.00.  Approved 4-0.

2.  Progress.

3.  Tabled.

4.  A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Despres, granting permission for the Chiefs to cut a 50 foot length of 3” hose be in half to accommodate their needs.  Approved 4-0.

5.  Discussed under the Maintenance Report.

6.  A motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, accepting the proposal from Fully Involved for the installation of an Elkhart Brass Scorpion “Big Stick” Monitor on 7-6-11, at a total cost of $4,475.00 (Parts - $3,875.00, Labor - $600.00).  Approved 4-0.  (Note:  A price quote from Firematic Supply (copy attached) was for $12,700.00.)


1.-2.  Mr. Schaffauer is handling.


1.  The Board stated that clearing the brush around the fire hydrants within the Districts is the responsibility of the Department.  Assistant Chief Gregory commented on the fact that the hydrant stenciling done by SCWA on the roads will not be visible when covered with snow.  He suggested that the stenciling be done in the middle of the road, since the middle of the road gets plowed first and that a more efficient way of marking hydrant locations would be for SCWA to install marker flags on the hydrants.  (Note:  The Secretary will forward a letter to SCWA with these requests.)

2.  A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, granting permission for the District fire vehicles to be taken to the Flanders Parade.  Approved 4-0.

3.  A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, granting permission for vehicles to be taken to Yaphank for FF-1 Training and Taxpayer Drills.  Approved 4-0.

4.  Noted.


Mr. Glass not in attendance.


A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, accepting the Minutes of the September 7, 2023 Regular Monthly Meeting.  Approved 4-0.



A motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving the Treasurer’s Report as submitted and the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 22 checks totaling $26,431.43 and to authorize the transfer of $150,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account.  Approved 4-0.


A letter was received from the Department regarding the probationary membership of Emmanuel Clarke in the Department and an e-mail from William Glass, Esq. attaching the newly mandated New York State Sexual Harassment Policy which the District is required to adopt.


The Board agreed to submit an insurance claim to Hometown for the repair of 7-6-16’s rear bumper.

Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that he is still waiting for proposals for the survey work that needs to be done with regard to the possible expansion of the building.


Commissioner Gregory advised the Board that he had been contacted by the Westhampton Fire Department regarding East Quogue’s participation in a Veterans’ Day Remembrance to be held on November 10, 2023 at the Westhampton Performing Arts Center and will follow up with further information.

A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Despres, accepting the probationary membership of Emmanuel Clarke in the Department.  Approved 4-0.

With regard to the newly mandated New York State Sexual Harassment Policy, a resolution was drawn up and states as follows:

2023-29.  East Quogue Fire District Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Form For Reporting Sexual Harassment, Policy No. DA-030, Adopted January 3, 2019, Revised October 5, 2023 attached hereto.

The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as follows:

Chairman James Schaefer  -  Aye

Vice-Chairman Allyn Jackson  -  Aye

Commissioner Stephen Gregory  -  Aye

Commissioner Robert Despres  -  Aye

The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted.

Dated:  October 5, 2023

             East Quogue, New York

Commissioner Gregory advised the Board that he will be running for re-election in December.

2023-30.  Whereas, Section 175-a of the Town Law, as amended, provides for a system of registration of Fire District elections; and

            Whereas, a register of eligible Fire District voters must be prepared prior to the Fire District election: and

            Now therefore, be it resolved that three resident election inspectors of the East Quogue Fire District be appointed to constitute the East Quogue Fire District Board of Elections for the 2023 Annual Fire District Election;

            And be it further resolved, that in case any of the members appointed therein are unable to assume or perform the duties required of them, the Board of Fire Commissioners will appoint three alternates who are resident electors ;

            And be it further resolved, that the Chairman, Election Inspector and Poll Clerk be compensated in the amount of $70.00 for their services and attendance at the annual election which shall take place during the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.;

            And be it further resolved, that if clerical help is deemed necessary, this Board of Fire Commissioners will consider the appointment of such clerical persons upon the request of the Chairman of the Fire District Board of Elections.  

A motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, accepting the adoption of Resolution 2023-30.  Approved 4-0.

No Workshop scheduled in October.

At 8:45 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, to adjourn the meeting.  Approved 4-0.

Submitted by                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Lorraine Gregory, Secretary


East Quogue Fire District’s House Attendant Report



To the Board of Fire Commissioners,

This is the attendant’s report for October 2023, meeting including but not limited to:  

  • General Maintenance and building care.
  • Updated the website For the District
  • Updated the sign.
  • Disinfected the Meeting room, Chief’s office, and Corp room. Along with the Firemen’s room and bathrooms every Wednesday.
  • Installed radios and lights along with Mounting for Milwaukee light and saw blades into the new 7.
  • Repaired siren in the new 7
  • Reset timers for lights around the building.
  • New Scott Packs came in for 7-6-7
  • 3-inch hose went to Firematic to be made into 2, 25-foot lengths.
  • Ordered throw sticks.
  • You have one Scott bottle go out of service due to age.
  • 2 front tires were replaced on 7-6-80.
  • Horseshoe pin is back on 7-6-11.
  • Master stream has been ordered and should be here sometime by Christmas.
  • Met with vendors regarding the back building heating system.

Topics for discussion:

Quotes for heating system in the back building

Quotes for Chiefs car



           October 2023 Chiefs report to the District.




  1. 1- Flammable liquids storage locker for Station 2. Same size as HQ’s

Reason: The only storage area for such liquids at St.2 is in the boiler room having a locker will keep liquids in a fire safe container.

  1. Halyard on Spare 24 Ft extension ladder needs to be repaired.

Reason: Halyard on the ladder was broke needs to be repaired.

  1. 4- 800 MHZ portable radios.

Reason: 800 Megahertz radios are being implemented in Suffolk County and are part of interoperability with mutual aid Departments. These standards are part of the WTC Investigation and debriefing findings and recommendations. As of now, we as a department have no way of communicating with all the Departments, we have mutual aid agreements with. 800 radios are the new gold standard and are being put into service County wide.

  1. 7-6-12 needs 2- 25 lengths of 3-inch supply hose. We can send out a 3-inch supply hose and have in cut and butts added as needed.

Reason: 2- 25 ft. lengths are needed as storage for supply hose 0n 12 is tight and the area we were storing the hose is no longer available.

  1. 7-6-3 needs to have the tires checked they are losing air. Also, the Engine needs to be checked out.

Reason: Tires are losing air, and the engine is riding rough, possibly running rich.


Status of previous requests:

  1. 2 SCBA’s
  2. 3 lengths 0f 1 ¾ inch hose lost in hose test.


  1. Some hydrants in the district are overgrown with brush. Do we know who is responsible for keeping them clear?
  2. Permission is requested for Vehicles to go to Flanders Parade 9-30
  3. Permission for vehicle to go to Yaphank for training to include:

FF-1 training, taxpayer drill.

  1. 7-6-7 training syllabus is in the works, more info to follow. Is there a minimum number of qualified operators that district wants in place to put 7 into service?

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Sulzinski


East Quogue Fire Department   

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Annual District Election 2023
September 2023 Meeting Minutes
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